Thursday, February 19, 2009

that fateful night

When I met you on that fateful night
I believed every word you had to say
Praying, wishing, hoping our future would be bright
In shining armor, you were my knight
I didn't care if we were cliche
When I met you on that fateful night

With you, what once went wrong was now right
Together you and I, we paved our own way
Praying, wishing, hoping our future would be bright

We were inseparable, with our hands clasped tight
Ready to take on the world, come what may
When I met you on that fateful night

Then I began to sense that trouble was in sight
Afraid that our passion would fade to gray
Just praying, wishing, hoping our future would be bright

Standing next to you under that dim light
I didn't know there would soon be hell to pay
When I met you on that fateful night
I was praying, wishing, hoping our future would be bright

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

What happened? On that fateful night? - elmeer