Thursday, December 4, 2008

sixty minutes.

Every lap around the field. Every drill. Every scrimmage. Every minute of practice, every game of the season leading up to this moment. In a voice as 
brisk as the night air surrounding us, Coach's pep-talk intermingles with the stream of thoughts running through my head. "This is our night. This is our game," she said. "This is it," I thought. "We're ready. I'm ready. This is who we are and what we do. This is everything." The whistle blew, sharp and ear splitting. Deep breaths, eyes closed. Focus. I survey the idyllic scene around me. This 60 x 110 yard plot of land is the place I call home. The field, that shiny viridescent grass blazing in all its synthetic glory. My cleats dig into the microscopic rubber pellets underfoot. Ground up old tennis shoes, worn out tires. The glare of the stadium lights pierces the otherwise nigrescent surroundings. A deep voice, low and guttural booms over the loud speaker. The referee in his dichromatic uniform maintains order. The clinquant bleachers, full of familiar faces staring out in anticipation. We huddle together, sticks in hand, and prepare for the elephantine task that awaits us. Energy pulsates around us, adrenaline rushed, we were ready to fight. Jumping from side to side we raise our sticks. "One. Two. Three. Vikings!". The consonance of our shouts rang out in unison and we stand- linked at the shoulders- immobile for a split second, overcome by the importance of the moment. The buzzer sounds, intermittent and sonorous. The players took their positions. The ball was set in motion. The rest is history.

brisk (adj.) quick and active, lively; sharp and stimulating.
idyllic (adj.) perfect, extremely pleasant, rustic.
viridescent (adj.) slightly green
nigrescent (adj.) blackish
guttural (adj.) harsh, throaty, deep in sound
dichromatic (adj.) having or showing two colors
clinquant (adj.) glittering; tinsel-like
elephantine (adj.) huge, colossal in size
pulsate (v) to expand and contract rhythmically, beat, throb
consonance (n) correspondence of sounds, harmony

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

lacrosse. yipee. i love all of the big vocab used to highlight these sports. it is like a new, interesting language. I'm having fun here. - elmeer