Thursday, November 20, 2008

the mind travels faster...

... than the heart but doesn't go as far.

Emotion versus reason, or simply put listening to your heart versus listening to your head, is a dilemma which humanity is faced with on the road to making every decision, whether major or minor. As students and intellectuals, we are often told to heed the advice of our head, our conscience. We are told that decisions based solely on emotion are skewed, corrupted, faulty, feeble, irresponsible. We are told that when we react in a certain way based on passion or emotion without fully thinking through the possible implications of our actions we will, most likely, find ourselves regretting such a hasty decision. Yet, this advice, intended to prevent us from making mistakes we will regret for the rest of our lives, doesn't account for the dichotomy between brain and heart, emotion and reason, thinking and feeling.  I'm not advocating that we simply ignore our consciences and do whatever we feel whenever we feel, regardless of consequences. I just have to believe that there is life beyond cold, calculating and concise decision making. That sometimes, when we are faced with choosing between what our heart tells us we feel and what our brain tells us is safe, hasty, emotional, and passionate decisions might end up being the best ones we've ever made. If we focus too much on thinking with our brains that we forget to feel with our hearts, humanity faces a fate as bleak, emotionless and robotic as the conformists of the Brave New World.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

i love your collages of course. and yes. i will settle for this one and let you take your Everything is Illuminated collage home. - elmeer